First of all, Mom J, so proud of you for figuring out how to become a follower... of me of course!
Second of all I'm going to try to be funny and light hearted in this but it's probably not going to work, I think I have seasonal depression tendencies/in my life game of over-under I am definitely under this week. After last semester I did the life audit: What are you doing and why are you doing it and will all of it really matter in the end? I had to do this. I was having no less than 14 hour days, waking up at 4:45 in the morning (yes friends from home, you are reading this correctly that is AM) to work out because I am softer around the more edges that I have now thanks to life a few days a week and getting out of class/meetings no earlier than 9:30 three nights a week = Hot Mess!
I just looked at the title of this again after three hours, how horrible and that first paragraph too. And then I just looked down at my toes and the pants on fire red color that's on them and thought about the dousing my pants got when I went to get this pedicure. I'll tell you that story instead of droning on about how I'm in a funk - the gist of that is I'm really busy but I'm busy because I don't have much to come home too. Let's face it I'm ready for him to kiss me in the tree and to make some babies for the carriage but I don't have that yet so I guess I'm trying to stay busy until I do (that's all I can come up with for today).
Ok so last semester was hellatious! I am living on my own for the first time! Love it more than a roommate but wouldn't mind a mister to take up some space and scare the monsters out of my closets for me at night. Living on my own meant no more shopping, pedicures, sursies for me or for others hardly even Christmas - sorry I still love y'all. I did really well considering my pre-Mississippi habits. I spent a total of $300.00 on clothes for seven months. $250.00 of that was at one time BUT I got a pair of pumps and five dresses, not bad if I do say so myself!
Let's get down to it - no pedicures. I see a concerning trend in my life and the realization came from this pedicure situation: the older I am getting the less money I am making, isn't it supposed to be the more education you have the more money you make, I'm still waiting to see the payoff from my two degree investments, ask me again after June how I feel about it when I hopefully have a legit job! I used to get pedicures no less than once a month with a color change and a mini pedi every other week, this could be considered high maintenance but let's be serious when you can afford the small luxuries in life don't deny yourself!
I had one pedicure in the year 2009. I decided to reward myself for my 4.0 and making it out alive after fall semester with a pedicure (ahem, student loan money came in in January, I'm really bad at lying, that had something to do with it too). So I leave work early one afternoon instead of staying late, change into a cozy polo and my fat jeans so that I can truly relax while enjoying this long lost luxury. Go to the pedicure place, along with every other ethnic person within 100 miles of Lafayette County. As I'm walking up, I see that there are alot of people in the store, no big deal I don't buy trashy magazines but I love to read them and typically indulge in them while getting my nails and hair done, I can ignore the crowd while I fill my head with meaningless gossip and glitz and glam. I walk in, make a bee-line for the magazine table, NO TRASHY MAGS! Are you freaking kidding me I read these while I'm being beautified so for a fleeting moment I can think, "Well I kind of look like her!" and mean it! This should have been tip off number one, when I went to the car to get my school book - wahmp wahmp - I should have just kept on going but in my frenzy to fulfill my foot fetishes my impatience got the best of me and I went back in.
Color in hand I sit down, book open in my lap, feet in bubble bath, I start to drift off to my happy place. Life is good today until the Vietnamese man starts speaking coherent English. The most ethnic place in town and I get the English speaker! Seriously! I love my pedicure lady at home, she takes care of my feet and my food, she does the morning shift at the grocery store right next door so when I am in a hurry she opens up a register for me and on my way out she says, "I see you at two for your toes!" While in her chair, she would tell me she liked my toe color and that the boys would too - maybe that's what's missing in the Miss????, and how nice my feet were, not like some of her other clients that made her hands hurt from scrubbing - I mean I'll take a beauty complement even if it is about my uncalloused feet any day. I LOVED her, she let me read my trashy mags, probably because I didn't understand Vietnamese and she didn't understand much English beyond the niceties of pedicures and the Piggly Wiggly but we had a fabulous relationship.
This guy reminded me of the dental hygenist that tries to carry on a conversation with you while cleaning your teeth, as I'm reading he's asking me about what I'm reading. I think he wanted to show off his English skills because he kept going. I wanted to teach him some social skills and how to pick up on conversation cues... I gave as many one worded, closed ended responses as I could without blatantly telling him to shut it. At one point, I even closed my eyes and pretended to fade off, he didn't take the hint, he made me change feet when I knew that he should scrub before it went back into the water! So as I let him regale me with his English skills, because being talked at isn't bad enough, the owner comes and sits next to me with a computer. He can't speak English but with what little words he does know asks me to proofread his flier for the Vietnamese New Year celebration they're putting together in Jackson, really? Happy f-ing New Year to me, I may as well have stayed at work, translating that bulletin was about as difficult as teaching a kid to read without books (you can do it, but damn it's a pain)! I really think I should've gotten a free pedicure for the services I PROVIDED!
Here's to you, 4.0, you still won't let it go but it's not over yet I will come out on top with the best celebration pedicure a girl can get!
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